Our Story
Hello everyone.
Many of you know that over the last two years Kelly and I have experienced various troubles with our pregnancies, which resulted in three miscarriages. This past April we found out that we were pregnant a fourth time. We were hopeful and excited that this would be the time that our dreams of a family would finally come true. We passed the 8-week barrier months ago, seeing a heartbeat for the very first time. It was incredibly exciting, and we were certain our dreams were coming true.
Last Wednesday, however, we began to experience some worry. Kelly was having some issues, but a trip to the doctor showed that the baby was still healthy, and so was Kelly. Saturday night, however, proved to be something more than just concern.
We went to the emergency room around 9:45pm when Kelly was experiencing slight cramping and discomfort. We checked in to a room and again heard the heartbeat for the baby and the doctor and nurse felt, upon seeing the ultrasound, that everything was fine. He wanted to check visually, and that’s when he discovered that we were in serious trouble.
Kelly’s cervix was not functioning properly and the cramping she felt was actually contractions. Considering the advanced state of her conditions, there was only one procedure that was an option, and it provided nearly zero chance of things changing. Unless something happened, Kelly would go into labor within 48 hours, delivering a 21 week old baby that was much too young to live very long outside of the womb. We went to sleep that night praying that our God would provide a miracle. He did, but maybe not how you think…
After checking to make sure that nothing had changed through the night, Kelly was placed on a medicine to bring about contractions. It was better for her health to have the baby quickly. After the doctor broke her water at about 4:00pm, Kelly gave birth to Grace Shiloh Bell at 4:45pm, August 20th, 2006.
Grace Shiloh, or Gracie, as we’ve taken to calling her, was beautiful and perfect. Small and too soon, she was nonetheless perfectly formed and so beautiful. We spent a little less than two hours with her while she was alive, and then she returned to her Heavenly Father, who graciously allowed us so much time with her. We love her infinitely, and cannot wait to spend Eternity with her creating all of memories that we won’t be able to have on this earth.
We had other names picked out, but both of us were prompted to create a new name. Grace was the name we chose for a girl, grace being one of the greatest gifts that Jesus gave us. Grace in Greek means “that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loveliness.” Her middle name, Shiloh, means “place of rest”, indicative of the place she now lives, holding hands with Jesus until we can take her into our arms again.
So many of you that mean so much to us are scattered around the country, and we wanted to use this space to tell our story and to honor the memory of our precious first daughter. Please feel free to leave as many and as lengthy comments as you’d like; I know that we’d appreciate it. Please tell us who you are in the comment as well, if you can.
We love you all very much, and are so thankful that we’ve got you in our lives. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but we know that God will be there with us. Thank you all, we love you.
At 3:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for sharing. She is absolutely beautiful. I'm praying for you guys and standing with you. Know that I love you both so very much.
At 3:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kelly & Clayton
We thank God for the time you both had to be with Grace Shiloh, and for her to meet you here on Earth. God has a very special blessing through this time for you both. Know you both are in our thoughts and prayers for comfort, understanding and healing.
With special thoughts and love,
Deborah & Jim
At 3:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
She's so small. But so wonderful. A perfect name for her. =]. We all know that God does everything for a reason. But I truly believe God will grant you both of you a child some day. Just continue being faithful to the Heavenly Father above. He loves you. And just think, Grace get's to be in His very presense right now. A better gift than anything you could ever give her.
God brings healing. =]
At 4:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton & Kelly,
Thank you for who you are. I am praying that God's peace would cover your lives.
At 5:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you both for allowing us the blessing of sharing this beautiful little angel of yours. My heart is overwhelmed with emotion! My understanding and revelation of "Grace" has soared to a new level. I will never be the same! I want you both to know that you are Heroes in the faith! I love you and will be lifting you up into the father's hands daily. Peace be with you both. Love, Amber W.
At 5:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm overwhelmed. I sent the following to my wife and bcc:'d to everyone on my email list.
My dear wife:
I just received this from Clayton Bell - a pastor and campus minister at your alma mater, Florida State.
This is one of the most powerful testimonies I have ever experienced. Go to http://graceshiloh.blogspot.com/ - and be sure to check out the pictures of Grace Shiloh. Be prepared to weep.
This is how faith stands before the maw of suffering.
May God have mercy on my own pitiful responses to "momentary light affliction." (2 Cor. 4:17)
And may He stay His hand of judgment on a nation that has willingly sacrificed tens of millions of Grace's little peers to the idol of convenience.
Please spread this far and wide. Let's do what we can to make sure that Grace's short life, and the sacrifice of this precious couple's suffering (Col. 1:24), fulfills the prophetic meaning of her name.
At 5:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton & Kelly,
Your sweet and precious daughter. Thank you for sharing her with us. She is a picture of His love and grace and has changed many lives. May the God of all comfort fill you with his peace and heal your hearts. We love you both so much and are continually praying for you.
Kristen Hunter
At 6:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton and Kelly,
I am so thankful to have you two in my life. Kristen and I truly love you so much. Our prayers continue to be with you and we are here for anything you all need.
Peace, I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
John 14:27
At 6:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
What an incredible miracle and blessing. Praise God that He is in control. Your family is in our prayers, and I pray that God continues to bless your family. Love you guys,
At 6:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
i echo what Shelby said. such a wonderful perspective. thankful for what God has done, not for what He hasn't done. not doubting. not blaming. just grateful for getting to be with little Grace for a short period of time. i love you guys so much and will continue to be praying for you and future, trouble-free pregnancies.
At 7:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Clayton & Kelly - I am so sorry that you lost your beautiful daughter, but deeply moved by your strength and faith in God in such emotionally wrenching circumstances. My prayers is that He will abundantly restore your joy and your hope. Blessings! Michael.
At 7:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
I received you email from Eric Holmberg. I dont know either of you and never met Grace, but today Grace reminded me of the Goodness of our God!
"Every good gift and every perfect gift comes from above, from the Father of lights in whom there is no shadow of turning"...Today Grace made me smile through my tears, as I looked at the photos of her... Thank you for sharing your gift with us and for the inpsiration of your faith in God.
May God Bless you abundantly and 'give you the desires of your heart'!!! May His joy and peace surround and hold you in this time.
Humbly - Martin
At 7:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Kelly & Clayton:
Reading this brings back all the emotions of that day. My heart breaks all over again, it was one of the most beautiful saddest days I have ever experienced. Thank you for sharing Gracie for those few moments with Ron & I. To look at her was to look at the manifest love of God. I read a quote once that said,"I'll love you 'til the day after forever". That's how it will be for Gracie, she will be remembered and loved till the day after forever. Know we continue to lift you up in prayer, may His unfailing love be your comfort.
With all our love,
Cindy Miller
At 8:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
You have touched and ministered to our lives like no one has ever before. Through example. You both know how much we can relate to you, the times you listened Clayton, and offered your own experiences as advice were priceless to me. Today, you embodied the true meaning of God's power, mercy, and love for us. Though difficult, His will is perfect. His word is truth and our emotions are simply not. Trust in him and you will find your peace. Thank you for being so strong! You both are examples to follow. Gracie has touched more lives in such a short amount of time than most people ever will. Her mission is accomplished.
We love you,
Angel & Christina
At 8:25 PM,
Mike Bonem said…
Clayton - my heart and my prayers go out to you and Kelly. I know these are incredibly difficult days, and I'm praying that the Lord will sustain you with His strength and mercy, one day at a time.
At 8:26 PM,
Sammy Ortiz said…
Clayton & Kelly,
Our hearts are touched. The strength it took to enjoy those moments with Grace convict us. The joy and peace we see on your faces speak volumes as to your trust in God's will. We pray His peace covers you like a blanket.
Sammy & Loretta
At 8:40 PM,
portorikan said…
Kelly and Clayton, I don't know what to say.
I know I don't know you guys that well, and I've been gone for a while, and my heart truly hurts for you.
I am thankful that you were able to spend the time you had with your beautiful daughter.
GOD bless you and I love you guys.
At 9:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am at a loss for words, but all I know is that I love you both and our wonderful Father is faithful, amazing, and so loving.
Gracie couldn't have asked for better parents, parents who love hard, believe hard, and are incredibly special. I have truly seen the Father and His love through your lives and the life of Gracie.
My heart is for you and with you. I love you both and praying for you.
Michele R.
At 9:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well done Bells...Well done!!!
The enemy has been defeated by the words of your testimony. Multitudes will be lead to Jesus through this amazing story. Thank you for sharing your miracle with us.
As tears rolled down my cheeks once again, I felt a grace and rest stirring in my soul. I will never forget my moment with Gracie. I felt I had looked into the face of eternity. In a moment of suffering, in her beautiful face I beheld the glory of the Father and the reflection of two wonderful and proud parents.
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8
Beholding Gracie, I was reminded of the grace of God. The grace that empowers us to do the good works the Father has prepared for us, and to run our race in a way to gain the prize of Jesus Christ.
Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it. Hebrews 4:1
Looking at Gracie's face, I was also reminded of the rest my soul longs for in being in the fullness of the presence of God after finishing his work and crossing the finish line of my destiny.
Gracie fought the good fight and finished her race. I pray I fight and run as well as Gracie Shiloh to the glory of God the Father.
We love you guys and stand with you in prayer.
No regrets, no retreats!
Pastor Ron
At 12:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Grace is so lucky. She was spared all the emotional pain and hurt that comes with this world. She got to skip that and go straight to God. How many times in our life do we wish we could do that?
I know you loved her with all your hearts, and I know that God is going to give you a special little guy to love down the road. And it will be that much sweeter when it truly happens because of all that you've been through.
Thank You for serving God!
~Lauren A.
At 5:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
Kelly and Clayton,
I love you guys so much!Thank you so much for sharing your moment with us. I am so blessed by your strength and faith in God. Grace is beautiful and perfect! What a blessing she is to us all. I am so thankful to God that he allowed you to meet her and enjoy her for a time here on earth before he took her up in his glory to spend eternity with him. What a loving God we serve. Again I love you guys so much and am praying that God heals and comforts you in this time and that he would grant you peace that surpasses all understanding. You both are 2 of the most amazing people I know...I am so blessed to be your friend and to be able to stand with you in faith.
Love always,
P.S if you need anything...like dinner some night or me to help run some errands for you both just let me know. I would love to serve you.
At 6:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
with so many other things said, there is little else to say than we love you, and you ARE and will be in our prayers! Thank you for allowing so many to draw close to you and the heart of God!
At 6:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton and Kelly,
We love you and are with you in whatever you need. Thank you for your example.
John U.
At 6:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton & Kelly,
Jay and I wanted to express to you our sincere condolences, and if you need anything please let us know! The three of you are in our thoughts and prayers.
All our love,
Jay and Jackie P.
At 6:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton and Kelly,
Thank you for sharing the pictures and the moments with us. There aren't many words. I love you guys. Clayton, you're my guy. You're a rock, and tomorrow has new mercies and faithfulness.
Love Chad Runge
At 7:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Kelly & Clayton,
Just as everyone else is, I am thankful that you shared your moments with Gracie with me. It has surely changed my life and I know that I will ever see God in the same way. Your testimony and her life has marked me forever. I don't know what my perspective would be in the same situation, but, I pray that I will allow God to form me into the person that can see His beauty and love in all circumstances, just as you two have. Your strength and steadfast hearts are a blessing and example to us all, and I as the rest of our family will continue to be with you in prayer. To me, looking at Grace was truly looking at the face of God. Thank you.
At 7:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Kelly and Clayton,
There really aren't words. Praise God for little Gracie. She is beautiful. Just like her parents! Kelly, I've never known of anyone so strong and graceful as you. I pray that you and Clayton are blessed for your faith and hope in God.
Jenn Brittingham
At 8:07 AM,
just Jean said…
I feel so honored that I can share in this moment with you and participate by praying along with you. It is truly these kind of moments that family is for.
love you guys.
At 8:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Kelly & Clayton
As We had rejoiced with you on hearing that you were pregnant past the first two months earlier on, we now grieve with you over the loss of Grace Shiloh. We can only say that God is sovereign and we understand a little of how you feel as we are reminded of our own Baby Deborah who is in heaven, now joined by your Grace.Thank you for sharing your story and pictures of Grace. Through them you both have shown to the world the preciousness of life at whatever stage of conception. You both have stood tall and courageous;Your faces a reflection of the grace and strength of our living God and a loving Father. We honor you and continue to uphold you in prayer at this difficult time. May God's peace, comfort and strength continue to cover you.
Christine and Kenneth Wang
At 8:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
When I read through this yesterday, I couldn't bring myself to post anything. Words seem so useless... I felt like if I couldn't be there to embrace you in a bear hug, share your pain and weep with you there then what good are my attempts.
But then I remembered how strong and wonderful my papa is. I remembered the power of a prayer in faith when all the faith to pray it comes from the author and perfecter of the same. My prayer for you both is that the peace that none of us can comprehend embraces you and continues to increase the testimony of your lives and the miracles God does in and for His children.
If there is anything I can do, please let me know.
At 8:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton and Kelly, Thank you for sharing your family with so many who needed to hear Grace's story. Her story needed to be heard. I pray God's healing would continue in your family and that He would bring great healing to others through Grace's powerful story.
Erik Fish
At 9:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for sharing that most precious moment in your lives. Clayton you are such a proud father, such a picture of our Father, holding your little Gracie. Kelley you are the epitome of a loving mother. And Gracie. What a picture of sweet rest. The three of you complete such a precious picture of our loving Father. Thank you. Love Dave & Christa
At 9:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, I am so sorry about your loss, if you need anything then I am here. Oh and by the way your daughter was beautiful.
In his service
Rachel McGinnis
At 9:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
thank you for sharing your story. i am overwhelmed with the faith of both of you, to trust and continue to believe in God's goodness despite the pain and hardship you have faced...what a testimony! i am blessed to know both of you. i love you and will continue to pray for the Comforter to draw near to your hearts!
Melissa Gainey
At 9:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
When the call came to me I could do nothing, but stop and pray... my heart flew across the ocean to you both. Then God showed me you strength, your love for Him and for each other and precious Gracie... what an amazing picture. Clayton, you are one of the strongest men I know... rest! Kelly, you have a spirit that is beauty itself... be at peace in wholeness. Know that you are loved all around this world and cries to heaven went out from Scotland.
I love you both...
Beth Anne, Edinburgh
At 10:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton & Kelly
We can't put into words what that day was like, we will definitly never forget it. We are so honored and priveleged to be there and get to spend a short couple of hours with little Grace. We both feel like we lost a child of our own. I cannot wait to meet little Grace and the three others when we go to be with our King. We love you guys so much.
Ross & Amy
At 11:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Kelly and Clayton,
You story was forward to me from P. Gregg Tipton. I do not know you well as I am in LA but I work in Campus ministry too. As I read your story, as a Registered nurse, as well I really hoped for a different ending.
Your story is so powerful, though very heart breaking. The picture really spoke a thousand words and I really hope it changes a lot of lives and confronts the pro choicers. I know God will use you both in a more amazing way in His kingdom because of this experience. All though we wish you did not have to go through it. Thank you so much for sharing your story with the world. You both are so courageous and so strong. I will never forget you and Grace (what a perfect name for her). May God give you His perfect Grace. May God continue to heal your heart and love and comfort you like only he can. I will pray for you and I know that many will continue to remember you in their prayers too. And many will pray for you as the read your story. I know that God will give you another baby, a healthy one soon, as we all believe for him or her. He is the God of many miracles. God bless you both and give you your hreat desires according to His will. Margaret Ike
At 11:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Your family is surrounded. What a testimony of the Comforter, We could see the intense love in your eyes and the peace that surpasses ALL understanding. Gracie is a beatiful daughter you will have for an eternity.
In our prayers.
Celia and Michael Hood
At 11:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Clayton and Kelly - My heart goes out to you both but I am so thankful that God allowed you time with your beautiful little girl - what a miracle. Your strong faith is such a wonderful testimony to the rest of us and I know what proud parents you were if only for a short time -Gracie is with her Eternal Father now and I know that will bring peace to your souls knowing that she is in His loving arms - May God bless you and keep you strong - Much love to you both.
Martha Miller
At 11:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Earth Angel,
Mr. & Mrs. Bell,
A co-worker shared your story with me, because I to have recently suffered the loss of a child. I'd spoken to her saying I didn't know if I wanted to ever try again. This would have been our first for my husband and I. I didn't think I want to try again...until I read your story. I admire the faith and courage God has given to you to continue to press forward. He's blessed you with your earth angel, if only for a short time. May he continue to bless you and keep you strong in his arms. I'm encouraged and my faith even stronger to know God works in ways we'd never to understand. May he keep you and bless you with the child/ren you so deserve. Many blessing.
Christy Cobbs
At 12:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Clayton and Kelly, I'm so sorry that your time with Grace here on earth was so short. One more reason to look forward to heaven. She's so perfect...maybe that's why she couldn't stay here.
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." I'm praying that God's comfort for you will be abundant. Thanks for sharing the pictures and story and allowing us to mourn with you. I may have never met Grace but I feel the loss with you. But more than that, I know that the world is a better place because she was here. She may not have been here long but she has already touched many lives, and I know she will touch many more as you continue to share her story. May God bless you and fill you with His hope, peace and joy. Love in Christ, Wendi Lehman
At 12:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton and Kelly,
I am so proud of you both, proud to know you and consider you friends, proud to see the grace and power of Christ in you, proud to see an example of the fact that we don't "grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope." We grieve -- as we are all doing with you now -- but we have hope and peace through it all. Thank you for sharing the pictures of your time with Gracie, I will never forget them. In fact, they were all I could think of as I drove to my "big" interview this morning. Huge moments of significance, like your time with Gracie, sure put everything in perspective. Clayton, that picture of you holding your daughter, and the obvious pride and love on your face, brought me to tears. I love you both.
At 12:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Clayton & Kelly: I wanted to share this poem with you. It is by Edgar A. Guest and I have always treasured it:
"I'll lend you for a little time a child of mine." He said, "For you to love the while he (she) lives and mourn for when he's (she's)dead, It may be six or seven years, or twenty two or three, But will you, till I call him (her) back, take care of him (her) for Me?" He'll (She'll) bring his (her) charms to gladden you and shall his (her) stay be brief, You'll have his (her) lovely memories as solace for your grief."
"I cannot promise he (she) will stay, since all from earth return, But there are lessons taught down there, I want this child to learn. I've looked the wide world over in my search for teachers true and from the throngs that crowd life's lanes, I have selected you. Now will you give him (her) all your love, nor think the labor vain, Nor hate Me when I come to call to take him (her) home again?"
I fancied that I heard them say, "Dear Lord, Thy will be done," For all the joy Thy child shall bring, the risk of grief we'll run. We'll shelter him (her) with tenderness, we'll love him (her) while we may and for the happiness we've known forever grateful stay; But shall the angels call for him (her) much sooner than we've planned, We'll brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand."
God Bless,
Martha Miller
At 12:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
i can't keep myself from coming back to look at the pictures. It has been said in the comments that your love for little Grace is obvious. I can't agree more. That touched me more than you could ever imagine. I love you guys so much. You make wonderful parents.
At 12:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for sharing your precious daughter. You and Kelly are tremendous examples of faith and love to us. That is one of the first times I can say that tears welled up while i was on the computer reading. Your words bring my family so much encouragement in a challenging moment. May our Heavenly Father enjoy His new little daughter in heaven. Our faith, love and prayers are with you all. \
Dave and Mandy Derocher
At 12:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am glad that you got to spend time with little Grace Shiloh and shared the pictures with us. She's so beautiful. Know that we are always there for you, praying for you, especially in this time. I haven't known you for very long, but I can tell that you two are very strong in your faith, and it is a blessing.
Cynthia M.
At 1:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton & Kelly,
I can't get you off my mind. Thank you for the special blog, and thanks for sharing the pictures with us. She is absolutely beautiful! She has touched so many lives in her short life. I will never be the same again. I'm standing with you in this difficult and challenging time and believing God for great things ahead. You are two amazing people, and I love you very much!
Much love and hugs,
At 1:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Clayton and Kelly,
We met briefly at the Pastors Training School in Nashville last summer. I was helping Bob Perry with prayer before the classes, and got to know you a bit.
I just finished reading the story and seeing the pictures of Gracie, and I wanted to tell you that I was deeply moved by your attitude of heart--your faith, your gratitude, your love. Thank you for sharing Gracie with all of us.
At 3:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
As I thought of you, Kelly and Gracie today...my heart was filled once again. Oh the One that we live for is so amazing. I know that He is holding you and holding Gracie. You are continously in my prayers. I love you both so much. While I feel such a depth of sadness, there is a depth of joy knowing Gracie is with Jesus and what the enemy meant for evil, the Glory of our God prevailed and His presence known.
Michele R
At 3:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton & Kelly,
I just read your family's story of Grace Shiloh. Thank you for your vulnerability in sharing something as dear and personal as this story. May God's peace continue to guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
Brian & Chavonne Taylor
At 4:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry to hear about sweet little Gracie. What a beautiful child! You guys make me want to be a better person! You have amazing faith and it shows in the pictures you shared of her. I don't always understand why God lets these things happen, but I trust that there is a bigger picture and that he truly knows best. May God comfort you during this time and hold you close. You are strong in the Lord! Love, Teresa
At 4:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton & Kelly:
Thank you for sharing your beautiful baby girl with us. Every life conceived is truly a miracle, and Grace was obviously a huge blessing arriving in a small package.
Your testimony is inspiring and your perspective is eternal. You are praising God through good times and bad, standing firm on the rock of Jesus Christ, thankful despite negative circumstances. We are so grateful to have you as pastors in our church body. Our hearts are with you now as always.
Paul & Debbie
At 5:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton and Kelly:
Please know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers!
Erin, Nate, Tyree, Naomi & Nathan
At 5:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
We are so proud of you Clayton and Kelly. I sense Gods pleasure on you and your time with Grace. Your faith has helped ours to grow. Know that we love you and are keeping you in prayer.
Love, Travis and Cindee
At 5:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
I keep coming back to this site because my heart has been so touched. And to see how many lives Gracie has impacted in such short time! Wow can we say World Changer!! I love you guys.
At 5:27 PM,
just Jean said…
I am so glad you gave us a chance to meet such a beautiful girl. You guys are such a blessing. We are praying for you everyday.
Love ya,
At 5:35 PM,
just Jean said…
...Your strength and willingness to share are a testimony to God's presence in your lives. I know God is very pleased with you. Thank you for all that you two are and the example you have provided in such a hard time.
Love ya
At 6:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton and Kelly,
We love you guys. Your heart is so beautifully displayed in your text and your photos display the most tender father- and mother-daughter time I have ever seen. What a precious and beautiful little one and what loving and strong parents you are. We have prayed and we are continuing to pray and stand with you in faith for the Godly Bell heritage--Donald
Thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures of Grace Shiloh. Words cannot express how it made me feel to see the three of you together...tears of joy and sadness. But to see the strength in your faces, I know God answered our prayers of supernatural comfort and peace over you both as parents. We love you--Shayla
At 6:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Every good and perfect gift comes from our God. She is a gift. Now we are trusting God to shower you with the gifts of His grace, comfort, peace, confidence, and overflowing love.
May all the prayers find their answer in your souls being held close to the love of the Father. You are a special couple.
Russ and Debbie Austin
At 8:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton and Kelly -
Thank you for welcoming us into your journey... and your family. Life is sacred, and the Sacred is life.
Thinking of... and praying with you both.
Mark Waltz
At 9:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton & Kelly,
I am deeply touched by your faith in the goodness of God....thank you for being willing to share your story. I love you both so much, and am standing heart to heart with you.
April Lupo
At 4:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton - the prayers and the tears come just from reading and seeing the pictures. Although I do not know what it is like to have a child come and go so quickly, I do know that the same Lord that provided Grace Shiloh to you provides grace and peace to each of us in turn. Thank you for that incredible testimony of His faithfulness.
We have this hope and consolation: she has entered the rest we still yearn for and some day we all (complete, whole, and lacking nothing) will join together in glad reunion and unending praise.
I am reminded of Anna Grace, the miracle baby of Kenneth and Christine Wang after years of repeated miscarriages. In His timing and through His power, may God make your quiver full!
We honor your courage!
Mark and Laurie Mingus
At 5:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton & Kelly,
I keep coming back and reading about Grace and your unending faith in the goodness of God. Your perspective is rare and precious and I believe it will cause many to cling to God like never before because that's what it has done for me. Thank you for sharing your life and Grace Shiloh....she is beautiful...
Alison H.
At 6:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton and Kelly,
Because of your great faith, be ready for the blessings to come. You have inspired many. Clayton, as a father, I too, remember the birth of my firstborn. I cried more than my daughter did! Your memories and the blessing of experiencing that day are no less vivid and eternal. May you look forward to the day when little Gracie meets you at heavens gate in all the glory of her heavenly being!
Roger Ledlow
At 10:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Kelly and Clayton,
Thank you for sharing your experience and your faith. You are loved.
- Ben and Trisha
At 11:25 AM,
JWH said…
Kelly and Clayton:
Words cannot express the effect that your faith and testimony during this time have had on me and, surely, all those who hear of her story.
Though her time on earth was short, I have no doubt that she was sheltered with as much love as humanly possible. It does me great pleasure to know that she will be with her Heavenly Father for all of eternity and that you too will be able to see her when called home to paradise.
May God Bless you and keep you both always...
In Him,
John Harris
At 12:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Clayton and Kelly
We prayed for a peace beyond understanding for you. We do believe that God will be your source during this time.
It is not our words but rather the prayers that is going up for you that is going to make the difference.
We do honor you as a man and woman of faith.
Willem and Celeste Nel - Potchefstroom South Africa
At 1:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dearest Bell's- I don't know if you even know me, but I go to Every Nation Tallahassee. I just wanted to tell you that little Grace is absolutely beautiful. The strength God has given you both to trust Him in this is amazing, and it is a strength that I pray to have. I admire you both so much for knowing God's hand is on your lives and He is providing according to his PERFECT will. You are in my prayers and just know how much God loves you and how much your family at Every Nation loves you.
At 1:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton & Kelly,
Thank you so much for sharing Grace's story. You don't know me but your story has inspired and challenged me in many ways. I am a member of our Every Nation church in Houston. I have read this blog three times over the past few days.
I was reminded of Psalm 139:13-16 when I saw the pictures of Grace. "You formed my inward parts; you covered me in my mother's womb. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. You fashioned for me all my days and wrote them in your book." God created Grace and although her life was short, she has made a tremendous impact.
As her parents, you have also made an impact by sharing Grace with the world. You will not be put to shame because you trust in the Lord. (Romans 10:11)You are in my prayers.
In Christ,
Keandra Ewing
At 2:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Rest assured that you weren't dealt this hand of cards because of something you did. This is not a punishment for anything. God isn't trying to build character in you by making you suffer, He got you married to do that (build character, not to make you suffer). :)
God is good. He didn't deal the hand, but He can win with a pair of twos. The enemy has come to steal, kill, and destroy. God doesn't do the work of the enemy. I rejoice in the fact that you gave God praise in the midst of your pain and sorrow. You won't have the opportunity to do that in Heaven. How deep the Father's love for us! God Bless.
At 6:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for sharing this experience of true grace. God is perfect in His infinite wisdom and in that alone we can praise Him. I appreciate your boldness and love for Christ to have shared this with the world at such a tender moment in your lives. And the pictures are so precious! Oh, how God knows the secret things and we are allowed to receive small glances of them. Thanks again, -Kimberlea- From Greenville NC and Every Nation family
At 6:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton and Kelly,
What a wonderful tribute to your daughter! Your words will touch all that read this and your testimony glorifies and pleases God. Truly amazing. Our time here is a gift and what a wonderful reunion you'll have with Gracie. As I wipe away the tears, I can't help but think that Gracie and her parents were truly a match made in heaven.
May you always find comfort and strength in the Lord and please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Thank you for sharing with us.
Clark and Liz
At 8:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wow, we have a great spiritual family. One that covers us through prayer, feels the burden, and rejoices when we rejoice. One that will stand in agreement for even greater miracles. I also realized that I have great leaders. Doer's of God's word, strong enough to recognize the true blessing even if it was for a short time, continually pressing forward and believing that God is still faithfull and on the throne!! Thank you soooooo much for sharing with us your testimony. Clayton and Kelly, I am excited for your children. If Grace has made such an impact, imagine the impact Grace's siblings will make.
At 9:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
dear clayton and kelly,
just wanted to let you know that our heart and prayers go out to you. love, jeremy and greta owens
At 11:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for posting your story and pictures. As my husband and I struggle with infertility and so desparately want another child, your story reminded me God has a time and place for everything. You are truly and inspiration to me to continue have faith in my Saviour. I know our time will come, and I know your time will come too! Grace Shiloh was a gift from God and I am thankful you will share eternity with her.
You ARE the GREATEST parents any child could have ever asked for. You loved your child enough to let her go to be with the LORD! That in itself is amazing!
I admire you for your courage and firm spiritual foundations. God Bless you both...
At 12:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was not ready emotionally to read or see these words/pictures, but I thank God through Jesus that spiritually I can praise Him with you. Thank you for sharing with the world your beautiful family.
I came to your site through Amy M.'s, a mutual friend.
At 1:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton and Kelly,
I was so sad to hear of Grace but can't think of better parents for her to have had, if even for a few short hours. Your love and unwaivering faith in God should be a testimony to everyone, and I believe He will bless you with the perfect family you were made for.
Our prayers are with you,
Katie and Mason Simmons
At 3:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Kelly and Clayton, I am so proud of you both. You are two of the most beautiful people in the world. Your spiritual strength is over-whelming. Grace could not ask for any better parents. Your love for her and the Lord will continue to give you both the strength to heal from this experince. Your testimony will also help others through the toughest of times we have here on earth. I know you will keep your faith and one day receive the child of your dreams. Lisa, Lydia, and I will keep you in our prayers and know that we are always here for you both. Take care for now.
Love, Uncle Eddie
At 5:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton and Kelly, you two are truly a blessing in my life. I keep reading your story and every time I stop and think of your unfailing love and commitment to God. Thank you for sharing Grace's story. I feel so far away, but know that I am praying for you guys every day. I love you!!!! -April Raulerson
At 6:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
dear clayton and kelly,
we were so sorry to here the news,I know in my heart that god has very special plans for yall we just cant see the big picture right now. I know your faith will see you through this trying time in your lives at this moment in time. you have so many friends and family that are praying for you and yours,hopfuly you can find some comfort in that.we love yall and hope one day we will be granted the gift of understanding.love troy and gail
At 10:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Clayton and Kelly. This is Jessica Wilson, I don't know if you remember me but i was on your bowling team at the last Staff Summit. Most of what I know of you two has come through Amy Middleton singing your praises. I know by your reputation that you are both respected and admired by your friends. Thank you so much for sharing your story and your sweet daughter Gracie with so many people, including me. Your relationship with Jesus just encouraged me to pursue him more and trust him more like you two do. I don't even know what words to type, but i wanted to let you know that i am grateful to be your sister in Christ. Again, thank you for sharing Grace Shiloh Bell with the world!
With Love & Deep Admiration,
At 1:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton and Kelly,
Thinking of you today and miss you both so much already. You are in our prayers and thoughts often. I hope that you know how much of an impact all three of you have had on our family and this planet. Love you.
The Marshalls
At 8:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Of course no words can make this loss any easier, but I am mourning your loss with you. You are a testimony to so many, many you may never meet this side of heaven. Your story and your strength will have an eternal impact.
Everyone at Alpharetta Methodist Christian Academy are covering you in prayers for peace, comfort, and an overwhelming sense of God's presence enveloping you to bring healing to your hearts. I love you both tremendously!
Sarah Hammond
At 10:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dearest Clayton and Kelly:
Like so many others that have visited, tears are flooding my eyes to hear of your loss. We know the pain too as we lost our first born baby girl Megan Muriel just a week before her due date which was to be Christmas day 1989. We held our "M&M" - we cried - we didn't understand and we moved on. But we serve a God who restores...in 1991 we had a beautiful baby boy and a second boy in 1993. Then at the age of 40, in the midst of a personal storm God put my feet on rock and gave us a beautiful baby girl who is soon to be 5 years old. We don't understand but we trust our God and we press into Him. I pray that you are feeling His comforting arms around you in this time and know that your lil' Grace and our lil' "M&M" are smiling down on us all. Bless you Clayton and Kelly. We love you and we are standing with you.
Curtis and Lou Generous
Metro Morningstar - Virginia
At 10:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton / Kelly, we are grateful that God allowed Grace to visit. She is beautiful and an example of God's love for you.
Becky and I, along with our small group at Northpoint in Atlanta are in prayer for you and your family.
Brian & Becky Becker
At 3:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for sharing your special moments with Miss Gracie with all of us. What a precious little girl!! We love you both so much and are sending hugs your way. Kerry and Paul G.
At 10:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton & Kelly,
Thank you for sharing your sweet and precious daughter! It was an honor and privilege to share in her short time here. Her life has impacted me more than words can express. Seeing you rejoice in your daughter’s life was a testimony of your faith! Gracie was such an example of the incredible love and grace of God. My heart breaks for you and I pray you know you are loved and cared about greatly. I am praying for you and believing God to fulfill the desires of your heart. I love you guys!
At 10:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
From your spiritual family in Jacksonville...may God grant you wisdom, time for healing, closeness, and comfort. We have some babies yet to meet, also in heaven. Maybe they are playing together right now... Grace will be remembered across the country, and I'm sure across the globe. We all want to meet her in Eternity.
At 9:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton and Kelly,
It has been a long time since we have seen you guys and you may not remember us from church a few years ago. Anyway, I received the link to your amazing story from Amy's xanga and I am so glad that I did. Your story, your strength, and your faith have affected our lives forever. My heart aches for you and at the same time, joyful that little Gracie is in the hands of God at this moment and that you will be reunited one day! God Bless you! You are in our prayers!
Micah and Stacie Maxwell
At 6:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Clayton and Kelly My daughter (Helen Thompson) sent me your story-What a blessing even for the short time your Grace was here, she was a beautiful little girl, your strength to put this story out tells me you are wonderful loving people I pray your next try goes smoothly from the start I told Helen to keep my posted as I will have our prayer warriors on your side. God Bless you guys I am so glad my Helen could be there with you. Helens Mom
At 12:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
clayton and kelly im soooooo glad that you guys shared your testimony...i feel for you guys but you guys were able to overcome because you hold on to god...i know if it were me i would be tested with this...thank you for being faithful to god...he will give you the desires of your heart in him....love both of you and jesus bless you...cintron
At 10:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Its Alex Herrmann. Hey buddy you'll never believe this, but I just went through almost the same thing. We found out our baby's heart stopped beating and had to induce labor to a 20 week old girl named...you won't believe it...Grace Eileen. We should chat about this sometime. Email me at everynation.org
At 2:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm so glad you recorded Gracie's story. So, bitter sweet. She looks like you, Clayton.
And, congratulations on your recently born second baby.
God bless,
a Twitterer...
PS If Kelly twitters and is inclined, have her look me up. "ReneeAnn"
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